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The 10 Funniest Footballer Purchases Of All Time

Let's face it, when you have Scrooge McDuck money - like many professional footballers worldwide do - you don't always make the wisest purchase decisions.

Maybe it's a point of pride to make the most ridiculous purchases among your peers. Maybe these footballers don't know better. Whatever the case may be, we've compiled the most ridiculous of ridiculous purchases for your entertainment. Here they are:

10. Luis Suarez bought some Corona.

Hours after Suarez signed a ridiculous contract with Liverpool, he was seen in a Merseyside Costco filling up on Corona. We respect his priorities here, but when you make £225,000 a week you can afford better beer than Corona.

Luis Suarez at CostCo buying Corona

Photo: Twitter

9. Steven Gerrard bought even more booze than Suarez.

Gerrard stopped at a Liverpool bar last year and bought drinks for everybody "to celebrate winning the league." Oh, the humanity. This is according to a Manchester United fan magazine, so it could a heaping portion of bullsh*t though.

8. Wayne Rooney bought racehorses for himself and his wife.

Rooney named one of them "Tomway," which is a stupid name, we think. Also, apparently Rooney hired an equine therapist to help with his horse's anger management problem after it broke a trainer's nose. Which is a completely reasonable thing to do. If you have more money than God. Which Rooney, it turns out, does.

Rooney with his racehorse

Photo: @BusbeeFHumblebee | Twitter

7. Zlatan Ibrahimovic, who once referred to himself as "The God," bought a church.

He turned it into an apartment building.

6. Mario Balotelli bought a camouflage Bentley, for those times he needs to hide in style.

No words.

Photo: @famososencoche | Twitter

5. Steven Ireland bought a personalized pool table.

It has his name stitched into the felt. Seriously.

Photo: @CB_PRandPA | Twitter

4. John Terry bought an imaginary skiing trip.

John Terry is not allowed to go skiing for fear of getting injured, but that didn't stop him from dropping thousands of pounds to, um, hang around in snow I guess.

3. Didier Drogba bought a gold mine.

People often refer to good players as gold mines for their clubs. Drogba took it a step further.

2. Lionel Messi bought his neighbor's house.

Lionel Messi had some neighbors with whom he was evidently annoyed. So he bought this neighbors' house.

We wish we could buy our neighbors' property and evict them. Our neighbors have a band. Well, we think they have a band. From the sounds we're hearing, they either have a crappy band that they should do away with immediately or they're engaged in some kind of demented ritual that involves poking animals with sharp sticks. We may call the police to investigate just in case.

1. Mario Balotelli bought a pig.

Its name is "Super."

Photo: @nollywoodmag | Twitter

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