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Cuba and New York Cosmos To Play Soccer Game...No, Really.

International politics is starting to make it's way into mainstream sports, which may not be a bad thing. A few months ago, President Obama decided to re-open diplomatic relations with Cuba; that hasn’t happened since the Kennedy administration back in 1961.

This includes travel to the country as well. In the spirit of good will between both countries, the NASL's New York Cosmos will play the Cuban National team in June.

The last time a soccer team from the states came to Cuba was in 1978 when the Chicago Sting paid a visit. The Cubans seem to be very excited about the up coming match, and think it's good for US/Cuban relations.

''The shift of last Dec. 17 is a great step, very beneficial for our soccer,'' said Cuban Soccer Association vice president Antonio Garces.

''The United States plays excellent soccer, so for us it will be great preparation for the knock-out phase of 2018 World Cup'' qualification.

Now, this is not the first time the US and Cuba have faced each other in sports. As many people know, baseball is very big in that country.

The US baseball team faced Cuba in 2012, but before that, the last time a team from the states went to Cuba was 1996 when relations between the two countries were still strained to say the least. 

With relations now warming between the two nations, expect to see more exhibitions like this taking place in the near future in other sports besides baseball and soccer.

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