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Eric Cantona Has A Message For Ronaldo About Crying

Eric Cantona would like a word with Cristiano Ronaldo, recent winner of Euro 2016 and haver-of-a-moth-landing-on-his-face-while-he's-crying. Several words, in fact.

Cantona has finally discovered his post-playing destiny as an eccentric salty old guy yelling at youths and generally being tough and weird. It's like when that guy from "Mail Call" started appearing in Geico commercials.

For the love of God, why didn't they go with "The Butterfly Effect" instead of "Mr. Butterfly"? It would have made so much more sense! My guess is they wanted Cantona to say "Mr. (something)" at some point in the video because it sounds authoritative, and that's what they picked. They picked wrong, but whatever.

(H/T 101greatgoals)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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