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Gervinho's Transfer Fell Through Because He Wanted A Helicopter

Give Gervinho credit for this: he's nothing if not ambitious.

According to Italian newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport, the former Arsenal attacker, while negotiating a move from Roma to United Arab Emirates-based club Al-Jazira, reportedly demanded a helicopter, a private beach, plane tickets to his home country the Ivory Coast, and accomodations (including tickets) for his family.

We understand the want for family accomodations. We also understand his desire for free airfare home. We even get that he wants a private beach. Seriously, who wouldn't want a private beach?

The helicopter stumps us, though. What use could Gervinho have for a private helicopter? What kind of helicopter did he want? 

Gervinho strikes is as the type to just ask for a helicopter because he thought it was cool, so maybe there is no deeper helicopter-related story here. 

Or maybe Gervinho wants to be a criminal mastermind after he retires from soccer and he's practicing making outrageous demands. 

Either way, he didn't get what he wanted. Al-Jazira deemed his demands "obscene," so Gervinho will not be transferring there. There will be no private beach, and there will be no helicopter. 

Which is a shame, really, because this could have set a hilarious precedent of footballers asking clubs for ridiculous perks in addition to the money in their contracts. Someday, maybe. 

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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