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Gianni Infantino Just Proved FIFA Reform Is Basically Hopeless

Gianni Infantino, we knew this would happen. We just didn't know it would be this soon. Infantino reportedly is trying to roll back some of the major reforms FIFA enacted when Infantino entered office back in February. This has reportedly caused Domenico Scala, formerly FIFA's audit and compliance chief, to resign in protest.

From an interview in The Daily Telegraph with Prince Ali, Infantino's one-time presidential opponent:

Scala stormed out of the congress in Mexico City after learning Infantino and his council were staging a surprise vote to “destroy” a key pillar of reforms brought in to guard against the type of corruption which saw a wave of arrests and convictions of senior football officials last year.

Change is hard to come by in FIFA, it seems.


From the same article:

“The motion on which the member associations were asked to vote, on the last day, came as a complete surprise to all: in effect, we were suddenly being asked to approve a change to the statutes that removed the independence of the ethics committee, the audit and compliance committee, the appeals committee and the reform committee.

This is both the most disappointing and least surprising thing we've heard all day. 

(H/T The Telegraph)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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