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He Got Injured. Watch The Bums That Help Him Almost Injure Him More.

These two guys make up the worst medics ever. They shouldn't even qualify as medics. They clearly don’t get it. They don’t even want to get it by the looks of it. They are medical help at a Greek second division game between Ergotelis and AE Larissa, and they — I mean come on, just look at them, they can’t even carry a stretcher. 

That is the kind of thing that I would have been completely OK with Jose Mourinho freaking out about (shout out to Eva Carneiro). They literally dropped an injured player, repeatedly, and they barely cared about doing so. You literally can see the moment at the end when they think “f*** it.”

They must be volunteers, but you would think that whoever is in charge of them would go over how to properly carry someone off the field. You know, because it’s probably one of the three things these guys had to do; that and communicate with the other trained medical professionals, which - shockingly - they also do a poor job of; you can see them arguing around :20.

the worst medics ever argue with staff as they drop Leonardo Koutris


Oh and that poor player? His team, AE Larissa, would lose 2-1. Both goals would be scored after he left the pitch. 

Sadly this is not the first time that I have seen medics carrying a strecher fail terribly at their job. Not even close. You'll be horrified -- or delighted, I know how these things can be – to find out that there are entire compilations on YouTube devoted to strecher fails. 

Someone really needs to start training these guys more thoroughly.

Follow me on Twitter: @yetly

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