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Marauding Pack Of Ballboys Attacks Defenseless Goalkeeper

*David Attenborough voice*

"These young males tend to hunt in packs, due to their immaturity. Their small statures and quicckness would make them ideal for sneaking up on prey, if only they weren't so brightly colored. 

Their bright colors serve to attract potential mates, but also attract the scorn of older males. The older males want the young ones to stop bothering them, as the older ones are in the midst of a fierce competition to decide which group is the alfa. These types of competitions can become very heated, but the young ones, it seems, just want to play.

Here comes an older male now. He want the young ones to shut up and pay attention. The younger males have a part to play in this competition, assisting the older males with getting the ball when it foes out of bounds. The older male is not very happy with them. It seems they've caused some trouble with the game.

He bats at them with his big padded paws. They don't look too worried about him. Ah, the invincibility of youth. He wallks away, and the younger males can't resist a parting shot. Ha ha ha! The Older one will have to wait for his revenge, until the younger males are old enough to comete in the game. 

(H/T FOX Soccer)

Contact THe18 Staff Writer Sam klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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