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Messi Almost Went To Liga MX. Seriously.

I am not one to say "I told you so."

That was a bold-faced lie. I am totally one to say "I told you so," and that's why I am saying "I told you so."

Or, rather, I almost told you so.

Some months ago I wrote an article that argued the merits of Lionel Messi leaving Barcelona and joining Liga MX side Queretaro.

You, the readers, responded to this article in two ways. Some of you responded with variations of "you cannot be serious." (I wasn't) Many of you responded by calling me names or threatening bodily harm. One of you even said you were going to kill me, a threat that has yet to come to fruition.

But one person took my advice, mulled it over and decided I was right: Lionel Messi.

At least, that's what I'm guessing happened, because various outlets reported that Messi recently failed in an attempt to join Liga MX club Queretaro. As an owner.

You all feel pretty stupid for mocking me now, don't you? I'll be honest, when I wrote that (satirical) article, I had no Idea how close it would eventually come to predicting the future. For me, this is one of those losses that feels like a win. 

But I am burying the lead here. Messi tried to buy (a part of) Queretaro! How awesome would that have been?

I guess I can't get too worked up over this. Messi's only 28. There's still time for me to be (unexpectedly) right.

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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