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Miguel Layun Got An Assist, Is Still Killing It In Portugal

We already knew Miguel Layun was enjoying his time in Portugal. How can he not be? The weather is amazing, his team is winning and he's playing out of his mind. Just in case anyone doesn't believe us regarding that last point, here's a video of Layun's assist Wednesday in Porto's Taca La Liga (Portuguese League Cup) semifinal win.

Miguel Layun Is Dropping Dimes

He has four goals  and 15 assists in 31 appearances for Watford and Porto this season, which are good numbers for an attacking mid and absurd for a defender. 

Layun was playing well during his brief stint in the Premier League, but has really blossomed since arriving in Portugal. The attacking style of play there apparently caters to fullbacks who can contribute to the offense, a characteristic Layun has taken full advantage of.

He is doing his damn thing, and has given no indication that he will stop any time soon.

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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