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Porn Website Sponsors U.K. University Team

Rutherford Raiders F.C., a team based in Kent in the U.K., proved (as if we needed more evidence) that either college students shouldn’t be allowed to be in charge of anything important under any circumstances, or university administrators as a group are out-of-touch hypocritical windbags. You be the judge.

The team, which is made up of university students, found themselves in a sticky situation, without a sponsor.

So, as a joke, they decided on pornography website Pornhub as a hypothetical sponsor. (At least, we assume it’s a pornography website. We at The18 have never visited such a website and dare not fact-check this directly for fear that I.T. will find out and we will get fired. We will have to rely on Internet writers, who are not a wholly reliable source in and of themselves, except for us of course, to do our dirty work for us [and not the kind of dirty work that supposedly goes on at pornhub]).  

Then, the powers-that-be at Pornhub found out about the fictional sponsorship, decided it was funny, and sponsored the team for real.

This angered the powers-that-be at the University of Kent, who we assume were once college students themselves but have forgotten what it’s like to be in college - or maybe spent too much time on Pornhub when they were in college, while students like the soccer players were actually out participating in the sort of acts that can be viewed on Pornhub and the administrators are still bitter about it.

Either way, the university administrators blocked the team from using Pornhub as a sponsor.

Interestingly, the administrators that blocked the sponsorship refused to give the team any money in the first place, thereby creating this situation.

It sure sounds like the uptight administrators need some way to relieve some stress. We bet Pornhub could help with that.

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