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PSG's "Best Of Zlatan" Video Is So Much Zlatan It Hurts

Is there such thing as too much Zlatan? Zlatan overload? Zlatan satiation? Is there a point where enough is enough, where we simply cannot handle any more Zlatan?

If there is, we think we found it.

This is PSG's "goodbye Zlatan" video, which, as would be expected, is full of Zlatan. Perhaps too full. We'll let you be the judge.

PSG Says Goodbye To Zlatan

We know what you're wondering, and we have an answer. You're wondering "with so much Zlatan in one video, how come they didn't make like a cool goal compilation to go with it?"

We get it. If Ibra is known for one thing, it's cool, compilation-worthy goals. This is a man of whom it was once said (paraphrasing) there are players who score lots of goals, and there are players who score amazing goals, but no one scores more amazing goals than Ibracadabra. So it's only natural any video featuring the big Swede would also feature lots of cool goals.

It's OK, they did that, here it is.

Merci Zlatan

Merci Zlatan. Merci Youtube. Merci PSG.

Wherever Ibra ends up next, there's no way they'll love him as much as they do at PSG. The only way he could top this kind of send-off is if he shocks everybody and goes back to Malmo (his hometown club, where his pro career began), which is to say this isn't going to be topped.

(H/T FOX Soccer)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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