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This Rainbow Nutmeg Is The Soccer Move To End All Soccer Moves

If you're a soccer defender, you'regoing to get nutmegged eventually. Even the best defenders in the world, like David Luiz and Jerome Boateng, get nutmegged. 

Getting nutmegged is an inevitability, and you just have to come to terms with the fact that a forward embarassed you and slid the ball in-between your legs. You just have to grit your teeth and get on with your life.

Some nutmegs, though, are so devastating that they destroy your whole world. The defender in this video, for example, had a perfectly reasonable reaction to the thing that just happened to him. The rainbow nutmeg is here, and we can't un-see this video.

Rainbow Nutmeg

That's the kind of sheer destructive force that everyone is mad at the North Koreans and Iranians for trying to get hold of. We don't know what the future holds for the kid who pulled the rainbow nutmeg off, but if we were him we would have retired right then and there because the odds are steep that he will never do anything that cool ever again. Or he'll become the next Messi and we'll look like total dunderheads.

If we were this kid, we would have this video on a loop and spend all our free time walking arouns and showing it to passersby. We would never talk about anything else ever for any reason.

That nutmeg was like in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest after McMurphy gets electroshock therapy, except for the kid doesn't snap out of it. That kid's just done. He'll probably never go outside again. And we wouldn't blame him.

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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