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Romanian Mayor Forces Team To Move Game For Daughter's Wedding

Sometimes, when you're trying to hold a massive wedding in a small Romanian town, there isn't a restaurant that can accommodate all 1,000 of your guests. If that's the case, then you have to improvise. 

One man, the mayor of Targu Carbonesti, a town of 8,731 in Southern Romania, faced this exact problem when planning his daughter's wedding. The solution? Uproot the local soccer team and force them to play somewhere else, in a town 24 miles away called Stoina.

Instead of a soccer match, Targu Carbonesti's field featured a red carpet and a giant tent for the party, filled with tables and (we are not making this up) chandeliers.

The mayor of Targu Carbonesti may not be a huge soccer fan, but at least he knows how to party.

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at, or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus.

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