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Honduras Player Was Doping For Qualifier vs. USMNT, Still Lost 3-0 And Now Faces 18-Month Ban

Honduras defender Wisdom Quaye has been banned for 18 months due to an anti-doping rule violation, soccer's global governing body FIFA said on Tuesday.

The 24-year-old right back tested positive for clostebol — which is prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency — following a World Cup qualifying match vs. the United States on Feb. 2.

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"The sanction followed the player's admission of the violation and the subsequent conclusion of a case resolution agreement between the player, FIFA and WADA," FIFA said in a statement.

"The sanction is therefore final and binding."

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FIFA said that since the period of provisional suspension served by Quaye had been credited against his 18-month period of ineligibility, the player was banned until Aug. 1, 2023.

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