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You're A Wizard, Harry

OK, so the headline was a little misleading. The player who scored this ridiculous free kick curve goal isn't actually named Harry. His name is Faiz Subri. Harry isn't a super-common name over in Malaysia.

He is a wizard though. Just watch.

Free Kick Curve Goal

What kind of witchcraft allows a person to be able to do that to a soccer ball, and where can we find some?

If he had done that in the mid-1600s in Salem, Massachusetts, he would have been burned at the stake.

Obviously the preceding paragraph is untrue. Soccer hadn't been invented yet. Sure, rudimentary versions of the game were being played in various places around the world, but the game as we know it today, the type of game that made this goal possible, had yet to exist. 

Or, maybe the residents of Salem, Massachusetts wouldn't know what soccer was, so the mere presence of a man with a soccer ball would be enough to set the residents of Salem, Massachusetts off and they would have burned him anyway. The point about Faiz Subri being burned at the stake stands.

(H/T SB Nation)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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