
Jamie Vardy Might Just Be Dobby The House-Elf Reincarnated

At times, Dobby was a bad house-elf. Employed by the Malfoy family, who he detested and worked against, Dobby warned Harry Potter of the actions of dark wizards and saved Harry’s life at Malfoy Manor. He’d subsequently do things like bang his face against cabinets, hit his own head with a lamp and iron his own hands for his disobedience. 

Cristiano Ronaldo Would Like To Sell You Some Undies

Cristiano Ronaldo is more than just a footballer. Cristiano Ronaldo is a #brand.

Like all good #brands, Cristiano Ronaldo has a wide range of things you can pay money for. Shoes, for example. And blankets.

Oh, and undies.

Jose Mourinho Says Manchester United Got A Lotta Enemies

Speaking with the BBC, Jose Mourinho says that he "found a sad club" when he arrived at Manchester United. He also said, "We have lots of enemies. Normally it would just be Rostov but we have a lot more." Mourinho then did his own version of Drake's "Energy" off of If You're Reading This It's Too Late (not really).

(Play the video, but substitute the lyrics below.)

Antonio Conte And Diego Simeone Are Definitely Hit Men

Given they are for the most part exceedingly well-dressed, fit and generally cosmopolitan, most football managers (except for Louis van Gaal) could pass for hit men. Both groups tend to wear very nice suits and brood a lot.

Two football managers, though, rise above the rest in looking like they should be chasing Jason Bourne through a train station, and those two are Chelsea manager Antonio Conte and Atletico Madrid manager Diego Simeone.
