
The Most Obvious Handball In World Cup History Went Unpunished

If it is hard out here for a pimp, then it must be truly cruel to be a defender. It’s their job to stand between some of the most talented people in the world and their goal: the goal. Needless to say, it doesn’t always end well. Defenders get nutmegged, dragged out of position, yelled at by fans and teammates alike, and lambasted by the media on a weekly basis. When they are good, people hardly notice them. It’s a thankless job.

Hear The Joke That Forced This FIFA Director To Quit FIFA

FIFA communications director Walter De Gregorio appeared on Swiss television and told a joke. After that, he didn't have a job anymore. The Joke?

"FIFA President Sepp Blatter, the General Secretary, and the Communications Director are in a car. Who is driving? The police."

John Oliver Asks Jack Warner To Release Documents In Hilarious Commercial And Jack Warner Responds

John Oliver took out about four minutes of air-time in Trinidad & Tobago to try to coerce Jack Warner, a native of the islands and former FIFA executive, to turn over incriminating documents to the feds. Warner, who has served as a FIFA Vice President and head of CONCACAF, had bought a similar slice of airtime on the same station to threaten the release of the documents. 

Basically, Oliver made a TV commercial to the effect of, "Do it! Do it!"

Sergio Aguero And David Villa Face Off In Soccer Tennis

Sergio Aguero and David Villa, as well as a few of their Manchester City and NYCFC teammates, partook in a friendly game of soccer tennis.

Italian Rapper Nutmegs Pavel Nedved During Charity Match, Nedved Stomps On Him

Moreno, apparently an Italian rapper, nutmegged Pavel Nedved during a charity game. Then Nedved retaliated in kind.

Ronaldo Rises Above His Greatest Enemy In This Surprising Personal Video

In an unprecedented act of outreach, Ronaldo has recorded and tweeted out a video in which he speaks about a very personal fight.

The President Of Venezuela Wants Diego Maradona To Lead FIFA

Nicolas Maduro, the President of Venezuela, endorsed Diego Maradona for the soon-to-be-vacant FIFA presidency.

Mexico’s Youth Just Stunned Uruguay With This 93’ Golazo Winner

Kevin Gutierrez looked like a certain world-class footballer as he stroked the ball in off the cross bar at the U20 World Cup.
