
Cristiano Ronaldo Is Officially A Dad Now

Cristiano Ronaldo is more than just a superstar footballer and international playboy: he's also a Dad, and part of being a Dad is putting a silly object on your head once in a while. 

Look at this photo on Cristiano's Instagram, confirming his Dadness. We should explain what we mean by "Dad": Cristiano's son is six years old, so Cristiano has been a father for that amount of time. He hasn't truly been a Dad, though, until this photo surfaced. Being a Dad isn't merely being a male with a child, it's a state of mind, and this state of mind is on full display.

Neymar Is Going To Unleash His Music Upon Us Because It’s Time

Remember when Daft Punk released their magnum opus Random Access Memories in 2013, heralded with a genius marketing campaign combining new school strategy and old school nostalgia? By slowly teasing the album’s release, the electronic masters created a buzz that engulfed social media. 

It has been three years since those seminal moments in the music industry, but we appear to be on the verge of another musical zeitgeist. The sound of 2016 is going to be provided by none other than Neymar, his aptly titled #Neymusico already causing a Twitterstorm.

Messi Is A Blonde?! Here's What's Up With Soccer Players Bleaching Their Hair.

This decade has seen some interesting (to put it mildly) fashion trends developed by soccer players. As if the Russell Westbrook-esque pre- and post-game outfits weren’t enough, high-profile soccer stars have adopted an affinity for dyeing their hair blonde. Their questionable decisions have prompted younger players and the youth of our world to follow in their footsteps. Which begs the question, "Why do soccer players bleach their hair blonde?"

Let us take you back in time. 

Look How Big Messi's Dog Is

Lionel Messi got a Mastiff puppy eight months ago. It was small(ish) then. It is big now. Like, bigger than Messi, almost.

Here's a picture with Messi and his cute Mastiff puppy.

RB Leipzig, Footballing Child Of Red Bull, Is Ruining Everything

The annual Bundesliga Playa Haters’ Ball has commenced within the Bundesliga’s official YouTube channel, and there’s one clear target: the Bundesliga’s newest arrival after promotion, RB Leipzig.


Arsene Wenger And Jose Mourinho Are Still Best Friends

We love a good manager tiff, and no two managers in soccer have been more consistently tiff-some in the last few years than Jose Mourinho and Arsene Wenger. Their long and storied history of passive-aggressive sniping is a shining example for those of us who count being petty as a hobby.

There was that time Mourinho called Wenger a "specialist in failure" and refused to apologize, that time Wenger said Mourinho was afraid of failure and that time Mourinho called Wenger a "voyeur."

And now there is a new entry into the pair's long lesson in managerial grudge-holding. 

Now, Canada, Did You Learn Something In All This?

For thirty years now Canada have been searching for their elusive treasure. The 1986 World Cup in Mexico was the last time they'd qualified for a World Cup finals, finishing a glorious 24th out of 24 participants.

Their hopes of advancing to the 2014 tournament in Brazil were dashed before the final Hexagonal round, a calamitous 8-1 defeat to Honduras leaving the Canucks hurting.
