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Argentine FA Told Its Journalists How to Flirt And It Backfired

The Argentine Football Association (AFA) recently published a handbook for their executives, players, coaches and journalists travelling to Russia for the World Cup, and in the handbook was a section on how to flirt with the Russian women. As expected, there was plenty of outrage from people, and now the AFA has been forced to apologise. 

The controversy happened after the largest women’s march took place in Buenos Aires, the capital city of Argentina. 

Some of the tips provided by the guide suggest Argentine journalists should not "ask stupid questions about sex," they should "look clean, smell nice and dress well" to impress and to treat the women as "someone of worth."

It’s 2018, and this really should not be a thing that is published. I mean, are Argentinian men that bad with women that they need a guide?

The Argentine FA obviously had to backtrack on what was published, with the classic excuse that it was "printed by mistake." Heard that one a million times before. 

"An internal investigation ... concluded that part of the material was printed in error," the AFA said in a statement. "It does not reflect the thinking of the Argentine Football Association (AFA), nor its president Claudio Tapia, nor any of its directors."

With the World Cup less than a month away, Argentine press members have plenty of time to improve on their social skills. Here's hoping they do, and a guide like this is never printed again. 

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